Why Move to Assisted Living?

Adult grown up children often wonder how they will know when it’s the right time to encourage a parent to move into an assisted living area. Some seniors commence the dialogue, knowing it will improve their wellbeing. Other people resist the idea altogether. Many older adults, however, fall between.

People today move to an assisted living home for many reasons. Loved ones encourage this transition their family member has opportunities to engage with peers and enjoy daily life enrichment activities.

Adult grown up children, health issues make this move a logical next thing in life. A history of falls, trouble maintaining their house, and personal care problems are three red flags that it’s time for a switch. However, the warning signs of the problem on the horizon are often obscure and easy to neglect. A catastrophe might be the very first sign an elder needs additional support.

Evidence a Senior Would Gain from Assisted Living

The decline in personal hygiene: : If an ordinarily tidy older adult is looking a little unkempt, You might see a sign they are struggling with personal care. A senior who lives alone or doesn’t leave home often may feel as it’s too much work to maintain their regular grooming schedule. No matter the reason, monitor grooming changes.

Problems with balance: Elderly adults experience balance problems for a lot of reasons. Some medications can lead to dizziness. Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and fluctuations in blood pressure may also balance issues.

Isolation and isolation: Loneliness and isolation may lead to depression in an elderly adult. But, experts say isolation presents a more severe health risk. Scientists say that it can even cause early mortality. Isolation also puts seniors at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and some kinds of cancer.

Untidy home or yard: Maintaining a house and yard in good repair takes hard work. It could be rough for an older adult to manage. Even routine tasks, such as climbing a ladder to wash windows or change a lightbulb, maybe too risky to get a senior. If your loved one’s home shows signs of negligence, it might indicate it has become too much for them.

Unintended weight gain: Menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal planning are other tasks a single adult or older couple might struggle with. Processed and quick foods may eventually become staples in a senior’s diet. Some may skip meals altogether. The result is often an unhealthy amount of weight loss or gain. Both may have a negative influence on health. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and drops are a couple of issues linked to poor nutrition.

Falling victim to crime:: From identity theft to door-to-door scams, seniors have been targeted for crimes. Even if they haven’t been a victim of crime, home robbery worries can make a senior feel afraid in their own house.

If more than two warning signs could explain an elderly loved one’s current situation, it may be time for a change. Together with communities, St Oaks Senior living probably has a place close to you. Get in touch with St Oaks Senior Care Center to talk to one of our experienced team members today!

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